Partner Yoga: Yoga Poses for Two People

If you are looking for a fun and challenging way to add some excitement to your yoga practice, partner yoga is the perfect solution! Thankfully, there are several types of yoga poses for two people to choose from.

Partner yoga poses involve two people working together to achieve a specific goal. This type of yoga can be a great way to build trust and communication with your loved ones, as well as increase strength, flexibility, and balance. One of the best things about partner yoga is that it can be tailored to fit any skill level. Whether you are just starting out or are an experienced yogi, there is sure to be a pose that fits your needs. In addition, partner yoga poses can be modified to accommodate any physical limitations or injuries.

1. Partner Standing Forward Fold

Stand in the middle of your mat facing your partner. Feet hip-width apart, hinge at the waist, and fold forward, letting your head hang down. Have your partner reach up and clasp their hands around your upper back. Gently pull each other closer as you deepen the stretch by bending your knees slightly.

2. Supported Backbend Yoga Pose

Face your partner with your toes coming in contact. Have your partner place their arms on the small of your back while you both press into each other’s hands to extend up through the sternum. Lean back and gaze up at your partner, allowing them to support you for five deep breaths.

3. Flying Warrior Pose Couple

This pose is a great way to build strength and stamina. Start in a standing position, facing your partner. Have your partner raise their arms overhead, then hinge at the waist and lean forward so you can clasp hands. Step one foot back, and then raise your arms up as you come into a warrior 1 pose. Hold for five breaths, then switch positions and do it again.

4. Partner One-Legged Wheel Yoga Pose

Start seated on the floor with your knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Hands should be placed palms down by your sides for support. Have your partner sit behind you, legs extended out behind them. Lift one leg up, bending at the knee so you can hop toward your partner and press the sole of your foot against their inner thigh right below their pelvis until it touches. Lean forward slightly as you feel a good stretch in the chest and belly area. Hold for five breaths, then switch positions and do it again.

5. Double Boat Yoga Pose

Sit on the floor facing each other, legs bent in toward your chests with soles of your feet together. Place your hands on the floor by your sides, fingertips pointing forward. Gently press down into the floor as you lift your feet off the ground and extend them out to the sides. Hold for five deep breaths, then switch positions and do it again.

6. Doubletree Yoga Poses

Stand at the top of your mat, facing each other. Extend your arms straight out to the sides at shoulder height with palms touching. Interlace your fingers and slowly bring your hands down until they are by your hips. Keeping your neck in line with your spine, deepen the stretch by looking up toward the sky while you pull back on each other’s hands.

Extend one leg straight out behind you, toes pointed. Keep the extended leg parallel to the ground as you step forward into a lunge position. With legs hip-width apart, raise both arms to touch fingertips above the head. Engage abs and press hips forward so you feel lifted through the entire body while engaging glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

7. Chair And Mountain Yoga Poses

Sit on the floor facing your partner, legs bent in toward your chests with soles of your feet together. Place your hands on the floor by your sides, fingertips pointing forward. Gently press down into the floor as you lift your feet off the ground and extend them out to the sides. Hold for five deep breaths, then switch positions and do it again.

From here, transition into the mountain pose by standing up and coming to stand tall next to your partner. Arms at your sides, palms facing forward, Engage abs, and tuck your chin slightly as you gaze straight ahead. Have your partner do the same. Hold for five deep breaths.

8. Double Partner Upward Facing Dog Yoga Pose

Start in the plank position with your elbows directly beneath your shoulders and legs hip-width apart. Slide one foot between your partner’s feet so you are touching the top of their foot. The outside edges of your feet should form a straight line perpendicular to the centerline that runs from head to toe. Have your partner lift their hips up in a quick motion, then step back into a downward dog position.

9. Double Dancer Yoga Pose

Stand in the middle of your mat facing your partner. Feet hip-width apart, hinge at the waist, and fold forward, letting your head hang down. Have your partner reach up and clasp their hands around your upper back. Gently pull each other closer as you deepen the stretch by bending your knees slightly.  From here, lift one leg up and extend it behind you as you raise your arms overhead to touch fingertips. Keep the extended leg parallel to the ground as you step forward into a lunge position. With legs hip-width apart, raise both arms to touch fingertips above the head. Engage abs and press hips forward so you feel lifted through the entire body while engaging glutes, hamstrings quads.

10. Wide-Legged Boat Pose

Sit on the floor facing your partner, legs wide apart with toes pointed outward. Have your partner help you to lift your feet off the ground and lean back until your torso is parallel to the floor. Hold for five breaths, then switch positions and do it again.

11. Double Partner Camel Yoga Pose

Start seated on the floor with your knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Have your partner sit behind you, legs extended out behind them. Together lean back until arms are straightened along the floor with palms facing down. Hold for five breaths, then switch positions and do it again.

12. Double Partner Reverse Plank Pose

Start in the plank position with your elbows directly beneath your shoulders and legs hip-width apart. Have your partner come up behind you, placing their hands on your hips. Lift your hips up and away from your partner as they press down into your hips, so both of you are in a reverse plank position. Hold for five breaths, then switch positions and do it again.

Contact Us for Private and Group Yoga Classes in Smithfield!

These are just a few examples of partner yoga poses that you can do. Partner yoga is a great way to deepen the stretch and create a sense of intimacy with your partner. It can also be a fun way to connect with them and have some laughs. So next time you’re feeling adventurous, give partner yoga a try!

If you would like to join one of our yoga classes please call us at  919-971-1431 or fill out the form below!

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